關於 NMN
什麼是 NMN?
NMN 是 NAD+ 的直接前體,是人體維持細胞能量代謝和抗衰老的重要分子。
NMN 可以在 10 分鐘內進入血液並作用於身體其他組織,有效提升 NAD+ 水平。
NMN 有助於顯著增加 REM 睡眠和深度睡眠,改善睡眠質量。
NMN 與 NAD+ 有什麼關係?
NMN 是 NAD+ 的前體,進入體內後會被迅速轉化為 NAD+,支持細胞能量代謝、DNA 修復和抗氧化功能。
NAD+ 是維持細胞健康和延緩衰老的關鍵分子。
什麼是 99.99% 的純度?剩下的 0.01% 是什麼?
99.99% 的純度代表產品中 NMN 的比例高達 99.99%,僅有極少量的雜質存在(0.01%)。這些微量成分通常是生產過程中無法完全避免的穩定劑或加工痕跡,但對人體無害且符合國際安全標準。
相比之下,REJUVE+ NMN21000 採用 100% 純度的 NMN,確保完全不含雜質。這不僅提高了產品的吸收效率,還減少了任何潛在副作用的可能性,讓每一粒膠囊都能實現最佳抗衰老效果。選擇 100% 純度產品,等於選擇更高的安全性與效能!
Frequently asked question
Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.
100% 純度的重要性是什麼?
吸收效率更高:100% 純度的 NMN 保證產品不含雜質,能夠更快速地被身體吸收,直接提升 NAD+ 水平,實現最佳效果。
效能最大化:每一毫克的 NMN 都能發揮其應有的功效,為細胞提供更強大的支持,幫助抗衰老和改善健康。
符合科研標準:REJUVE+ NMN21000 採用 100% 純度的 NMN,符合國際科學研究標準,保證消費者能享受到真正有效的抗衰老產品。
什麼是 4 合 1 配方?
REJUVE+ NMN21000 包含以下四種核心成分:
NMN:提升 NAD+ 水平,支持細胞能量代謝。
什麼時候適合服用 NMN?
NMN 需要服用多久才能見效?
個人體質不同,但大多數人在服用後 2-4 週內即可感受到能量和睡眠質量的改善。
NMN 適合哪些人群?
NMN 是否適合與其他保健品搭配使用?
NMN 可與維生素或其他抗氧化劑搭配使用,以增強整體效果。建議間隔服用不同類型的保健品,以確保每種成分能被身體充分吸收並發揮最佳效能。如有疑問,建議諮詢專業人士以制定更適合的搭配方案。
The science behind NMN
Is NMN Safe?
The science behind NMN is related to its ability to increase the levels of NAD+ in the body. As we age, our levels of NAD+ naturally decline, which can lead to a variety of age-related health issues, including cognitive decline, metabolic dysfunction, and cardiovascular disease. Increasing NAD+ levels and NMN may help to counteract some of these age-related effects.
What does research show?
Research has shown that NMN supplementation can increase NAD+ levels in various tissues and organs, including the liver, muscle, brain, and heart. This increase in NAD+ has been associated with improved health outcomes, including insulin sensitivity, energy metabolism, cognitive function, and cardiovascular health.
Is Rejuve+™ NMN pure?
Our NMN is 99.9% pure and offers benefits such as increased energy levels, a sharpened mind, and improved skin health.
Safety and Quality Assurance
Below are some common questions about our products
Does NMN have any side effects?
Human trials have been conducted to research the safety of NMN and no side effects of nicotinamide mononucleotide have been documented. The clinical trials on humans revealed no safety concern following single oral dosage up to 1000mg. Our recommended dosage is 700mg (2 pills) of NMN per day.
Does Rejuve+™ NMN have 3rd party testing?
Each production batch of Rejuve+™ NMN is tested at the manufacturer and then tested again at an independent, certified laboratory.
Is Rejuve+'s NMN Safe?
We test all production batches of our NMN for high purity (defined as >98%) and make sure the levels of heavy metals are well within the limits.
General Longevity Advice
What daily dosage do you recommend?
700mg or two pills is what we recommend to take per day. People in higher age groups can benefit from higher dosages, but research is pending. Our NMN is tested for safety for doses up to 1500mg per day.
What is the best time of day to take NMN?
Best taken in the morning and in the afternoon.
What diet is the best for longevity?
Nutrition is a highly effective lifestyle intervention to decrease the rate of aging, improve lifespan, and enhance overall well-being. Despite its numerous benefits, nutrition is often not fully understood as a way to support healthy aging, as many people opt for crash diets with short-term goals like rapid weight loss, rather than a long-term goal such as longevity. Observing the eating habits of those in blue zones, we can glean a few insights from their shared characteristics: prioritize vegetables, legumes, and mushrooms over red meat, and avoid bread, pasta, and potatoes. Additionally, avoid overeating by stopping when your stomach is 80% full, and integrate periodic fasting to reduce weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Lastly, steer clear of sugary drinks and animal milk.
關於 nootropics
什麼是 Nootropics(促智產品)?
Nootropics 是一種專為提升大腦功能設計的保健品,有助於增強專注力、記憶力和認知功能,並減輕壓力。
什麼時候適合服用 Nootropics?
- 寧神舒壓片:在需要放鬆心情、舒緩壓力或改善睡眠時服用,幫助您迅速進入放鬆狀態。
- 補腦專注片:當您需要專注於工作、學習、運動或感覺無法集中注意力時,隨時服用以提升專注力和效率。
一般在 20 分鐘內感覺到效果,具體時間因個人體質而異。
每次服用的效果通常可持續 4 至 6 小時,但具體時間因個人體質與使用情境而有所不同。
兩款 Nootropics 可以一起服用嗎?
Nootropics 會有副作用嗎?
Nootropics 適合長期服用嗎?
如何儲存 Nootropics?